Roofers Have Things Nailed Down

Roofers Have Things Nailed Down

How To Tell If Your Roof Isn't Properly Ventilated

Nora Mcdonalid

Good roof ventilation keeps the temperature inside your attic as close as possible to the temperature outside. This prevents problems that can occur due to moisture or extreme temperatures inside your home. And a roof and attic with adequate ventilation will help keep your energy bills down and help to keep your roof in good condition.

Not all roof ventilation functions as it should though. Fortunately, there are some clear warning signs that you can look for to find out if your roof isn't properly ventilated.

Extreme temperatures in your attic and home

A well-vented attic provides hot air with an escape route during the summer. This keeps your attic temperature close to that of the outdoors. But a poorly ventilated attic will become unbearably hot during the summer. This hot air will transfer through the ceiling into the rest of your home and create an unpleasantly hot environment. The same thing happens to cold air during the winter.

Higher than usual energy bills

If your home experiences extreme temperature fluctuations during winter and summer because of poor roof ventilation, this will put a strain on your cooling and heating systems. As a result, your energy bills will increase.

Mold and mildew problems

A poorly ventilated attic will become humid, creating condensation that clings to the roof trusses and decking. This creates the ideal conditions for mold and mildew to grow and spread throughout your attic and home.

Damaged shingles

An abundance of moisture and heat in your attic due to poor ventilation will gradually weaken roof shingles and the roof decking beneath it. If your shingles look worn, poor ventilation could be to blame.

Peeling paint

Sometimes, when a roof becomes humid due to poor airflow, the excessive amount of moisture becomes apparent throughout a home. One way that poor ventilation affects a home is by causing paint to peel or blister.

Roof leaks

If your roofing materials weaken due to moisture and excessive heat, your roof won't be able to protect your home from rain. As a result, leaks may occur on rainy days.  

Ice dams in winter

During the winter, good ventilation allows warm air to exit your attic through the roof. This keeps temperatures stable in your attic and prevents a buildup of warm air. If your attic cannot release warm air on a snowy day, that warm air will then melt the snow on your roof. When the moisture from that melted snow reaches the lower portion of your roof, it refreezes, causing ice dams.

If you find yourself with any of these issues, contact a roofing contractor today. 


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Roofers Have Things Nailed Down

Every job is different. But we should all be able to agree that most professions in this world are necessary. Take roofing, for example. It definitely has its upsides and its downsides when you're up on the roof. It's nice to watch things come together as you're nailing shingles onto the surface. But of course, it can be tiring, too. Luckily, there are plenty of people who think the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to roofing as a profession. Therefore, we all have roofers to work on our homes when needed. You can learn more about roofing right here on this website.
