Roofers Have Things Nailed Down

Roofers Have Things Nailed Down

What Can Happen If You Ignore The Signs Of A Failing Roof?

Nora Mcdonalid

Roof replacements are expensive. While roofing typically lasts for multiple decades, every type of roof will eventually fail. Unfortunately, an aging roof will typically cause many problems before failing catastrophically. Many homeowners attempt to repair and patch old roofing to avoid the high cost of a replacement, but this strategy is often far more expensive over the long term.

Once you notice the early signs of a failing roof, you may want to begin planning for a replacement instead of pouring more money into your ailing shingles. If you decide to keep your old roof limping along, you may end up suffering from these three costly issues.

1. Damaged Roof Decking

While your shingles may be the most visible part of your roof, the decking provides the most protection for your home. Roof decking on a residential home typically uses plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). This material provides a solid foundation for your shingles and acts as the backbone for your entire roofing system.

Installing new decking can increase the cost of a roof replacement, but it's not always necessary. If you replace your roof before water begins to infiltrate beneath your shingles, you may be able to save all or most of your existing decking. However, waiting too long to replace your old roof can mean causing substantial water damage to these foundational boards, ultimately necessitating a costly replacement.

2. Water Leaks

Leaking roofs aren't always as dramatic as in movies and television shows. While you might picture water dripping down your ceiling into a bucket, many leaks can be far more subtle. A minor leak can allow water to pool around the edges of your roof, slowly leaking into your attic or other hidden spaces. This moisture can damage structural elements of your home or create moisture and mold issues.

In other words, you may be unaware of the leaks caused by a faulty roof. If you have many damaged shingles, broken flashing, or other signs of severe roof wear, it's possible water is already entering your home. At a minimum, you should have a qualified roofing contractor inspect your roof, locate any leaks, and determine if a roof replacement can save you from further damage.

3. Foundation Issues

While they might seem to be separated by quite a distance, your roof can significantly impact your foundation. Part of the job of your roofing system is to direct water away from vulnerable areas, including your foundation. Issues with your roof that cause water to drip down walls or inside your eaves can allow moisture to pool close to your foundation.

The longer you leave these problems unaddressed, the more likely you will create hydrostatic pressure issues that your foundation may not be able to handle. If you notice water draining from your roof close to your foundation, you should always consider it a critical issue and a good sign that it may be time to install a new roof. For more information, contact a roof replacement service near you.


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Roofers Have Things Nailed Down

Every job is different. But we should all be able to agree that most professions in this world are necessary. Take roofing, for example. It definitely has its upsides and its downsides when you're up on the roof. It's nice to watch things come together as you're nailing shingles onto the surface. But of course, it can be tiring, too. Luckily, there are plenty of people who think the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to roofing as a profession. Therefore, we all have roofers to work on our homes when needed. You can learn more about roofing right here on this website.
